Welcome to CogentPassion - Official Blog of Tim Gallagher - opinion and commentary on things that I feel passionate about, though I promise not to spout off without a good basis in reality. Favorite topics for commentary are economics and politics from a Libertarian p.o.v., and notes from a baseball-playing, self-improving, travel-loving Charlottesville resident. CogentPassion is proudly banned in China (as are all blogs.)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Quick shot from SFO.....
Day 2: Roaming SF
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Scene from a San Francisco institution - Lefty O'Doul's
Lefty's - located 1 block off posh Union Square - is a tavern opened 51 years ago by guess who, Lefty O'Doul. O'Doul was an interesting character - he made the major leagues as a pitcher, then as an outfielder, then managed for a while developing players like Joe DiMaggio. He also was instrumental in the creation of the Japanese professional baseball league. (Learn more at Lefty's wikipedia page.)
His place was kind of dive-y, as you can see in the picture, but in true San Francisco style, the place was very memorable. The walls are a virtual San Francisco baseball hall of fame (covered with pictures of O'Doul and other San Francisco baseball icons), the food was good, and Lefty's had a two person jazz band playing. I'm not sure if any other city would have a dive-y sports bar with live jazz located 1 block off of the most expensive real estate in the city, but I sure appreciate San francisco even more for it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
OK, it's not all work.....
While in SF I caught up with an old buddy, Bob Harrington, in his native environment (anywhere alcohol is served.) This time, it was the very excellent Thirsty Bear.
Bob is a Bay Area native, which is easy to tell once he starts talking ("dude," "rad,)
SF night scene#2
(it's apparently a rock digeridoo, but not amplified. I can report, though, that the combined sound was pretty good, and drew a good size crowd.)
This was shot just off posh Union Square. Note the Powell St cable car moving in the background.
Scene on my way to dinner (#1)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Next stop SFO!
One odd story so far: I brought an orange to eat on the trip, and asked the TSA security screener if I needed to eat it before passing thru security. The screener - with full seriousness - said the orange was OK, provided I didn't squeeze out the juice.
(solids OK, liquids bad, in case you are as confused as I was.)
Good thing we have crack rulemakes at the Department of Homeland Security on the job.
I landed in SF @ 8:30pm (local) and quickly headed to my favorite all-night noodle bar for some thai beef soup. I promptly crashed after that, as my body realized that it was 1:30 in the morning back east.